


The human body is extremely resilient and has the power to mend itself from a wide range of injuries, but it still needs a little help sometimes. Deep cuts can take a very long time to heal and leave you with unsightly scars if you do not receive the appropriate medical attention. At MedForce Mobile, our medical professionals can treat cuts and lacerations with stitches.

what are stitches?

Doctors use stitches, which are loops of thread, to tie the borders of a cut skin together. The process is not dissimilar from stitching pieces of fabric together. The stitches hold the skin together while red blood cells generate collagen that serves as the foundation for new tissue. Once the new tissue fills in the wounded area in a process called granulation, new skin begins to form over the cut.

why do i need stitches?

Stitches help speed up the healing process, especially if there is a deep cut. Without stitches, it takes your body longer to heal, prolonging your pain, discomfort, and risk of infection. Stitches also have the added effect of reducing the healing area and visible scarring.

how do i know if i need stitches?

There are several signs that a wound might require stitching, the most common include the following:

  • Ongoing bleeding that lasts longer than 10 minutes despite applying pressure

  • If a cut is bigger than ½ inch or deeper than ¼ inches

  • There is a foreign object in the cut

  • The wound was caused by an animal or human bite

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needle holder, needle, and thread to suture a wound.

do you need stitches in west palm beach, florida?

Get the treatment you need to start healing at MedForce Mobile. We are happy to treat you at our clinic, or we can come directly to you with our mobile unit! Call to learn more!

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