
minor burns

minor burns

Skin is the largest organ in the human body, and its many layers protect you from dehydration, UV radiation, and other environmental hazards. Yet, your skin is not indestructible; even harmless-looking things like the sun or water can penetrate it and cause burns. Our MedForce Mobile team can look at your burn and treat your damaged skin properly.

what are minor burns?

Minor burns, also known as first-degree burns, are the least severe type of skin damage. Minor burns only affect the outer layer of your skin, called the epidermis. Therefore, these superficial wounds can cause pain and discomfort but won't pose a risk to your life. If you've burned yourself, look for the following symptoms:

  • Mild pain

  • Peeling skin

  • Redness

  • Swelling

common sources of minor burns

Many different objects, surfaces, and environmental conditions can result in minor burns, such as:

  • Chemicals

  • Hot water

  • Power sources

  • Prolonged sunlight exposure

  • Rough surfaces

when should i see a doctor for minor burns?

First-degree burns don't usually require medical attention and go away after a few days. However, give your doctor a call if you see any signs of infection, increased pain, redness, swelling, or any other symptoms that indicate your condition is worsening. It's also better to go to a hospital when a minor burn covers a large portion of your skin. 

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Foot and ankle with a first-degree burn.

do you need minor burn treatment in west palm beach?

Minor burns are nothing to worry too much about, but sometimes at-home care is not enough to heal them. MedForce Mobile provides top-quality diagnosis and treatment for major and minor burns to end your pain once and for all, so give us a call today!

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