


Tens of millions of people are infected with the influenza virus every year. Many patients, especially those with pre-existing conditions, risk hospitalization without treatment. If you suspect you have contracted the flu, get in touch with the MedForce Mobile team today!

what is the flu?

The illness we call “the flu” is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. The flu virus typically infects the nose, throat, and lungs under certain conditions. Although most cases are relatively mild, the flu can vary in severity and lead to hospitalization and death in extreme cases.

what are the symptoms of the flu?

The typical incubation period for the flu is about 48 hours, but it can be up to four days before you exhibit symptoms after being infected. Signs that you may have the flu include:

when should i see a doctor for flu treatment?

Most patients can self-treat mild to moderate symptoms at home with over-the-counter medication and home remedies. However, if the symptoms escalate, you should seek medication attention, especially if you have a pre-existing condition that might make you prone to health complications. As a general rule, seizures, chest pain, ongoing dizziness, and difficulty breathing are all signs you should seek medical care.

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A woman sneezing into a tissue and checking her temperature with a thermometer.

get the flu treatment you need in west palm beach, fl!

Ignoring flu symptoms can lead to serious adverse effects. If you have difficulty breathing or notice pale or blue-colored skin on your lips or nail beds, you should call our office immediately. Our team is ready to help!

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