
CT Scans (With and Without Contrast)

CT Scans (With and Without Contrast)

Sometimes describing your symptoms is not enough for your doctor to figure out what’s been causing you pain or discomfort. Medical professionals need tools to detect or confirm which silent killers are to blame for your sickness. Our qualified team at MedForce Mobile can provide CT scans and other services to treat ailments accurately.

what are cT scans?

A computed tomography, or in simpler terms, a CT scan, is a piece of medical technology doctors use to take a look inside your body. During this non-invasive procedure, you lie down and pass through a scanner that takes cross-section pictures of your bodily tissue. Usually, it doesn’t take longer than 30 minutes, and you’ll have the results a day later. CT scans combine X-ray technology and 3D images to produce detailed pictures of:

  • Bones

  • Muscles

  • Vessels

  • Joints

what are CT scans for?

Thanks to CT scans, medical professionals can diagnose various conditions, ranging from organ damage to bone fractures. Doctors also ask for CT scans when they need to learn more about the shape, size, and position of a tumor for a biopsy or extraction, as well as to monitor if a treatment is effective.

what's the difference between CT scans with and without contrast?

Sometimes, doctors need to check your body’s soft tissue, which doesn’t show as easily as bones in CT scans. When this is the case, they’ll give you contrast, a substance that makes your organs stand out and makes producing useful images easier. The type of CT scan depends on the type of tissue and the required level of detail.

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Doctor with a patient that is about to get a CT scan.

do you need CT Scans in west palm beach?

At MedForce Mobile, we offer CT scans to give the most accurate diagnosis and put you on the path to feeling better. Know more about us today by giving us a call.

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