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Does Your Burn Need Medical Treatment?

Have you experienced accidentally burning your skin? How do you know if your burns require urgent care in West Palm Beach? Burns occur when something scorching scalds your skin. It can result from accidentally holding the handle of a hot cooking pan, spilling steaming coffee on your lap, or being too close to a campfire. Other ways of burning your skin are direct contact with electricity, chemicals, and fire. Overexposure to the sun and radiation can also damage your skin tissues.

According to the American Burn Association, around 486,000 people in America are getting treated for burn injuries each year. Although burns can be painful, not all burn cases require emergency dental care. It’s important to know the severity and type of burn you have so you can determine when to get urgent care.  

woman with a burned hand in need of urgent care in west palm beach 

What Types of Burns Require Urgent Care?

Classifying Burns According to Severity

  • First-Degree Burns – First-degree is the least severe of all burn types. If you have a first-degree burn, you will notice that the top layer of your skin looks red. People with first-degree burns often experience mild pain.

A typical example of a first-degree burn is sunburnt skin. You don’t need urgent care for a first-degree burn since you can easily treat it at home using over-the-counter topical medications and skin care products like soothing aloe vera gels. You may also apply ice packs on the area to help reduce the pain.

  • Second-Degree Burns – These burns are more severe because the damage has penetrated through the epidermis and reached the inner dermis. You’ll likely experience blisters, redness, and swelling if you suffer second-degree burns.

The pain is also said to be moderate to severe. People exhibiting signs of second-degree burns should go to an urgent care clinic. Doctors usually prescribe topical antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. Pain medications may be given, as well as other pain management strategies.

  • Third-Degree Burns – This is the most serious burn type. Although it’s accompanied by pain, some third-degree burns can penetrate deep into the skin and cause tissue numbness. Some of the signs of third-degree burns include charred and blackened skin.

Unfortunately, you cannot treat third-degree burns on your own. You’ll need emergency dental care in a hospital when it reaches this bad. If the damage is extensive, you may require skin grafting.

When Should I Call a Doctor?

Obviously, you should call a doctor to get treated if it's a third-degree burn. However, most other burn types of patients are unsure of what to do. We suggest you call an urgent care clinic if the burn is bigger than a quarter, has penetrated deep within your skin, is causing you to get into shock, burns around the airways, hands, head, and genitals, and if it blisters form right after the burn happened.

Even though all the signs are present, some patients may still be uncertain. If you don’t know what to do or how to treat the burn, regardless of type, visiting an urgent care clinic is the safest way to get answers.  

doctor providing urgent care for a burn in west palm beach 

Do You Need Urgent Care in West Palm Beach?

While first-degree burns can be treated at home, other types require urgent care. MedForce Mobile provides urgent care services directly to your home, so you don’t need to go anywhere. We offer convenience and quality service to get you the care you need.

We have the knowledge, skill, and technology to provide treatment for burns, abdominal concerns, lacerations, broken bones, sprains, and much more! Contact us today if you require professional assistance.